Collection: Hemp Food and Drinks

Our selection of hemp edibles offers the possibility of integrating the beneficial properties of hemp into everyday life by accompanying them with foods rich in ingredients chosen and selected from the best on the market. In our products, these properties are combined with the sensory experience of taste, creating an option that goes beyond traditional delivery methods.

Intake through edibles allows for a gradual distribution of nutrients, offering a more prolonged experience than other forms of administration. This makes edibles ideal for those looking for a solution that fits into their daily lifestyle, without compromising on taste pleasure.

Each item is carefully chosen to offer not only a unique gastronomic experience, but also a positive contribution to the body's well-being. The beneficial properties of plants integrate harmoniously with the other ingredients present in our products, creating a culinary experience that celebrates quality and balance with nature.

Each recipe we choose is carefully studied to ensure that the raw materials that make up our products are not only of the best quality, but act in synergy to enhance the benefits and guarantee a nutritious experience that can be enjoyed with pleasure and in absolute safety.


What is CBD oil and how is it used in edibles?

How are CBD edibles prepared? Do you grind cannabis inflorescences?

Are CBD edibles intended for recreational or medical use?

What forms of cannabis are used to create CBD edibles?

Do CBD edibles contain dried or concentrated cannabis?

What is the active ingredient in CBD edibles and how is it absorbed by our body?

How are cannabis edibles dosed?

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