CBD in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Morbo di Alzheimer e Cannabis - Uso clinico e terapeutico della Cannabis e del CBD

CBD in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

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Mama Mary : ✍🏼

CBD in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease 

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there is currently no known cure for this devastating disease, there is growing interest in cannabis' potential to offer some relief and possibly slow its progression. In this blog we will explore the current state of research on CBD, one of the most revolutionary cannabinoids of the cannabis plant in terms of its therapeutic potential, and on Alzheimer's disease, to better understand its potential benefits.

Understanding Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease, or Alzheimer's disease (AD), is a progressive brain pathology named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, first defined in 1906. Among the most invasive neurodegenerative diseases, it initially manifests itself with mild symptoms and becomes more severe over time, with common symptoms including memory loss, speech problems and behavioral changes.

The main characteristics of the disease are amyloid plaques, disconnection of nerve cells and impaired information transfer. As symptoms worsen, it becomes difficult for an Alzheimer's patient to remember, reason and recognize people. Symptoms may progress through stages of cognitive decline classified from mild, moderate to severe.

CBD and brain health

Research on cannabis and cannabinoids has produced surprising results in recent years. Several clinical studies have suggested how CBD, through its active ingredient, can, among its numerous beneficial effects, have a positive impact on brain health. Recent studies have shown that cannabidiol can help with symptoms and in the fight against this neurodegenerative disease. So let's see how CBD can be useful as a treatment for Alzheimer's patients, helping them slow down the progression and reduce the symptoms of this disease.


Among the surprising benefits of CBD discovered in recent years of research, its neuroprotective properties stand out, which means that it can help patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases protect brain cells from damage and degradation. This means that using CBD to treat this disease could potentially slow its progress, helping to reduce and slow down the behavioral symptoms that afflict those who suffer from it.


Chronic inflammation is believed to play a key role in Alzheimer's disease. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce inflammation in the brain, possibly alleviating some symptoms.


Oxidative stress is another factor implicated in Alzheimer's. The effectiveness of CBD regarding its antioxidant properties can help fight oxidative damage in the brain.

Improved sleep and mood

Alzheimer's patients often experience sleep disturbances and mood disorders. Administration of CBD has been shown to improve sleep quality and may reduce anxiety , potentially improving the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's.

Current research

Researchers studying this disease have explored anti-amyloid therapies, but challenges and side effects have hindered success. Cannabidiol (CBD) has attracted attention in this space for its therapeutic potential for patients with Alzheimer's disease. The endocannabinoid system plays a relevant role in Alzheimer's disease, with alterations observed in the components of this system in the brains of diseased patients.

For this reason, therapeutic cannabis has been a source of studies and research in recent years, aimed at discovering and investigating all the correlations between Alzheimer's and Cannabis. Among all the components of this plant, the extraordinary effectiveness of CBD has been demonstrated in combating the symptoms of Alzheimer's and slowing down the progression of the disease.

This study shows how CBD exhibits neuroprotective effects through various mechanisms, including modulation of CB1 and CB2 receptors, anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant effects, antiapoptotic actions, and promotion of neurogenesis. While CBD may not directly affect Aβ and tau pathology, it mitigates Aβ-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and neuroinflammation, ultimately improving cognitive function in animal models of the disease.

A 2019 study investigated the effects of CBD on Alzheimer's disease through in vitro and in vivo experiments:

In vitro (cell culture) studies have demonstrated how CBD can increase cell survival by reducing the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and lipid peroxidation.

In vivo studies (animal models), however, resulted in a significant reduction in GFAP, mRNA and protein expression. By reducing the expression of iNOS and IL-1β proteins, they indicated anti-inflammatory effects. Among other findings, CBD also stimulated neurogenesis in the hippocampus.

Other studies combining CBD and THC, a combination that has already proven to be very successful in tumor treatments , were conducted on AβPP/PS1 transgenic mice. The CBD+THC treatment has shown effectiveness in improving memory and was more effective than using CBD or THC alone.

This led to a reduction in GluR2/3 levels and an increase in GABA-A Rα1 levels.

These studies provide evidence of CBD's potential therapeutic effects on Alzheimer's disease, both in cell culture and animal models, shedding light on a potential avenue for the treatment and prevention of dementia in the future.


After delving into the scientific discoveries regarding CBD and Alzheimer's, we can see how promising this cannabinoid is as a potential therapeutic tool to help improve the quality of life of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Its neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a stimulating topic for ongoing research, casting a veil of hope in the fight against one of the most devastating diseases affecting the brain faculties.

Anyone interested in its potential benefits for managing Alzheimer's disease symptoms should note that before using CBD, they should consult a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and approach, as well as to stay up to date on the latest research developments.

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