Are you looking for a dispensary? Do you want to know where cannabis is legal? And the simple facts about cannabis? Don't worry, we got you. Below you will find all this and more.


Olio di Cannabis e cani? 11 cose che non sapevi!

Cannabis oil and dogs? 11 things you didn't know!

Since there is so much talk about phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oils (CRPs), we thought it was important to tell you 11 facts about taking them and how they can help your...

Cannabis oil and dogs? 11 things you didn't know!

Since there is so much talk about phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oils (CRPs), we thought it was important to tell you 11 facts about taking them and how they can help your...

Gli studi rivelano: con il CBD l'80% dei bambini autistici vedono miglioramenti

Studies reveal: 80% of autistic children see im...

Israeli researchers have found more compelling evidence that medical cannabis is an effective therapy for children on the autism spectrum. In this study, soon to be published in the journal...

Studies reveal: 80% of autistic children see im...

Israeli researchers have found more compelling evidence that medical cannabis is an effective therapy for children on the autism spectrum. In this study, soon to be published in the journal...

Olio CBD: al bambino epilettico vengono restituite le medicine a base di cannabis dopo il sequestro

CBD oil: Epileptic child gets cannabis-based me...

Medical cannabis oil has been returned to a child with a severe case of epilepsy after being confiscated from his mother at customs. Billy Caldwell , 12, was given the...

CBD oil: Epileptic child gets cannabis-based me...

Medical cannabis oil has been returned to a child with a severe case of epilepsy after being confiscated from his mother at customs. Billy Caldwell , 12, was given the...

CBD e sonno: scopriamo la scienza dietro un buon riposo notturno

CBD and sleep: let's discover the science behin...

CBD and Sleep: Discovering the Science Behind a Good Night's Rest In a world where life moves at a relentless pace, restful sleep is a precious commodity. The frenetic pace...

CBD and sleep: let's discover the science behin...

CBD and Sleep: Discovering the Science Behind a Good Night's Rest In a world where life moves at a relentless pace, restful sleep is a precious commodity. The frenetic pace...

Morbo di Alzheimer e Cannabis - Uso clinico e terapeutico della Cannabis e del CBD

Alzheimer's Disease and Cannabis - Clinical and...

Cannabis and CBD in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there is currently no known cure for...

Alzheimer's Disease and Cannabis - Clinical and...

Cannabis and CBD in the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there is currently no known cure for...

CBD e cancro al seno: Potenziali impieghi della Cannabis nel trattamento del Cancro al seno

CBD and Breast Cancer: Potential Uses of Cannab...

The annual Race for the Cure, held today in Rome, brings together millions of people from around the world to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and treatment....

CBD and Breast Cancer: Potential Uses of Cannab...

The annual Race for the Cure, held today in Rome, brings together millions of people from around the world to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research and treatment....