Farewell to Franco Casalone, Tireless Hemp Guru and Italian Activist for Legal Cannabis

Addio a Franco Casalone, Instancabile Guru della Canapa e Attivista Italiano per la Cannabis Legale

Farewell to Franco Casalone, Tireless Hemp Guru and Italian Activist for Legal Cannabis

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Cherub Tandon : ✍🏼

Franco Casalone: ​​Let's celebrate the memory of the Italian Cannabis Guru

It is with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to Franco Casalone, a wise and kind man, author of numerous books and expert in cannabis sativa who recently passed away at the age of 64 from complications following surgery on his kidneys. Franco’s passing marks the end of an era in the world of cannabis advocacy, as he was a historic pioneer in the field. His life was a testament to unwavering commitment and genuine dedication, which touches us all the more deeply after the latest attack on the cannabis industry that has recently taken place.

Farewell to Franco, activist and promoter of the fight for the hemp plant and for Legal Cannabis who left us prematurely

Franco’s path is deeply rooted in his identity as a farmer and grower. With his human vision of a wise man earned through travel and discovery and a passion for the land in his DNA, he was not only an expert connoisseur of cannabis, especially Cannabis Sativa L., but also an activist who sought to bring about change in a prohibitionist society by promoting the free flow of information and tirelessly questioning the paradoxes related to the narrative regarding this plant through years of research in the world of hemp and cannabis cultivation.

A Life Dedicated to the Legalization of Cannabis and THC

Franco's journey into the world of cannabis fighting began in the 1960s, as he watched his grandfather take care of his beloved marijuana plants with dedication and skill. Little did he know that this would be the beginning of a journey to which he would dedicate his entire life.

From a young age, ganja had a profound impact on him; he could not understand why such a seemingly harmless and beneficial substance was illegal while alcohol, with its well-documented harmful consequences, remained legal, clashing at an early age with the paradoxes of a prohibitionist society that did not resonate with his values.

Franco, like many young activists of his time, decides to take a stand against this injustice, undertaking his fight against prohibition through a research trip into the myriad of beneficial properties of the cannabis plant and then decides to defend and celebrate it.

A path between activism and cultivation

In 1985, he met Jack Herer, a well-known pro-cannabis activist from the United States. Inspired by Herer's work, Franco mobilized to contribute to the cause, accumulating a wealth of knowledge on the therapeutic properties of various strains of cannabis and recognizing the potential economic benefits of industrial hemp on a global scale.

Frustrated by the prohibitionist sentiment prevailing in Italy, Franco later makes the pivotal decision to move to the Netherlands, where he is encouraged to publish two books on the subject. This marks the beginning of his prolific writing career. Notable works include " Canapa ", which explores the therapeutic and economic potential of cannabis, and " Il Canapaio ", an essential cannabis cultivation manual for enthusiasts.

Travels to discover the culture of marijuana and Cannabis Sativa

Franco Casalone’s relentless dedication later took him to the Himalayas, where he spent a decade commuting between the peaks and the vibrant culture of Indian cannabis. Here he honed his skills as a Strain Hunter , preserving and replanting rare and lost cannabis strains while expanding his study of the plant.

The Art of Hashish and the Love for Charas

During his stay in India, Franco delves into the art of producing charas , an ancient form of cannabis resin. His expertise and experience cement his status as one of Italy’s leading cannabis experts, often referred to as the “Guru of Hemp”.

The legacy he left to hemp lovers

His contribution has been invaluable in sharing methods and secrets regarding the extraction of cannabinoids. Franco has helped researchers like himself by teaching the art of producing high-quality cannabis products and extracts , including his most renowned creation, the sacred Charas, often described as the “champagne of hashish”.

The fight for the cannabis plant continues with its return home

In the early 2000s Franco returned to Italy, more precisely to Monferrato, his hometown, with a clear mission: to make hemp legal in Italy for therapeutic purposes. He collaborates with various associations including Assocanapa , a key player in reintroducing industrial hemp in Italian fields.

He later became vice president of the Tara Association, which aims to guarantee the right to alternative treatments, including high-THC cannabis, for those in need, as well as fighting for CBD and so-called light cannabis .

Obstacles by law enforcement

Despite his lifelong commitment to promoting cannabis culture and information, Franco faces an unexpected turn of events when in 2020 an arrest warrant is issued against him on charges of running a marijuana business from his basement transformed into a laboratory. However, due to the lack of evidence of drug trafficking and certification of personal use for therapeutic purposes, he is released.

The legacy that Franco Casalone leaves to the world of cannabis, a plant with multiple beneficial properties

His tireless advocacy and determination have made him a beacon in the world of cannabis, earning him the title of guru of the hemp plant in Italy. His legacy continues to inspire the fight for the legalization of cannabis and the destigmatization of its medicinal use, allowing us to counter an official narrative that seeks to demonize the use of this plant.

Throughout his life, Franco's resolute struggle aimed to dismantle a repressive cultural system by fighting prohibition with information. He championed the cause of free information, standing as a bulwark against an official narrative full of conflicts of interest and dishonesty.

Franco Casalone was a pioneer of the Italian anti-prohibitionist community who dedicated his entire life to the cannabis plant. He chose to live celebrating and defending it, becoming an example for those who fight to free it from stigma and prejudice. The writings he left behind do not only represent a biological heritage, but are the human legacy of a man who has always fought for a freer and fairer world. He left the fruit of his knowledge and dedication to Italian farmers, opening new paths in the cultivation of hemp and in the study of the active principles of cannabinoids.

We conclude by remembering Franco Casalone's constant and tireless commitment to challenging the prejudices related to cannabis and helping those in need. His contribution leaves a lasting impact, which remains alive despite his passing. Honoring his memory and his fight, we commit to carry on his mission. Thank you Franco, we will miss you!

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