Cannabis for Pets: CBD Treats Pain, Seizures & More!

Cannabis per animali: il CBD tratta il dolore, le convulsioni e molto altro!

Cannabis for Pets: CBD Treats Pain, Seizures & More!

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If you've been paying attention, you know by now that Cannabis contains many good things for health, for all types of animals, from canids to humans. Cannabinoids like THC or CBD identified in the timeless medicinal plant are a unique “all in one” remedy for different types of health problems, from epilepsy symptoms to cancer, diabetes and everything in between.

Of course, now people also want to use this plant to treat health problems in their pets. For centuries, probably, some people must have known about the properties of Cannabis also regarding the care of animals. As one article says , “Most pet owners who use the product are using it for separation anxiety, things like hip dysplasia and arthritis, motor pain, old age – it's given to many older dogs – and then there are some dogs who suffer from epilepsy and use it with excellent results, as well as some dogs with cancer.”

A couple of years ago there were some positive newspaper articles published when a small company called Purity Petibles gained public attention for producing CBD kibbles and tinctures for dogs, cats and other animals.

“Hemp is a great crop that brings some amazing benefits to your furry friends. Compounds found in hemp have been shown to reduce anxiety, pain and inflammation, seizures, help increase appetite, provide an overall sense of well-being, and much more,” the company wrote on its website . “All of our products contain non-GMO hemp, full spectrum CBD oil from hemp grown in the USA, on farms that use high-quality organic growing practices.”

Cannabis products for dogs and cats are also said to relieve the symptoms of their anxiety, which is common knowledge. In reality, this information shouldn't be news to anyone, it's just that common sense has been forced out of people when it comes to naturopathy, which is basically the same as just saying health.

As pets age and begin to suffer from the symptoms of old age, cannabis kibble is said to help them feel less pain and, more importantly, is actually healthier physically than a drug that only masks the symptoms of underlying problems . People can be confident that it will work, unlike anything else they might buy made by a pharmaceutical company.

Each of the previously mentioned kibbles is infused with 5 milligrams of PRC Hemp Oil, and this company's product is said to use no diluted oil, with some products having a purity of 17-40% between different brands.

When buying CBD oil, it is important to really ask everything about it, because some oils are definitely not strong enough. In truth, full spectrum, dark-colored, THC-rich cannabis oil is best for treating almost any type of health problem. People who survived cancer with the help of this oil, which contains THC, can confirm this . Why should people alter their medicine and remove the THC?

The cannabis paradigm is changing dramatically now that mainstream media is also reporting on cannabis kibble for pets. According to a recent article published on Forbes :

“Visit a dog park in a state where cannabis is legal, and you can be sure you will hear someone recommend giving CBD to your pet. Just as with CBD and humans, there are numerous examples where CBD could help in the case of animals too – with anxiety when traveling or going to the vet, with pain management, the use of THC as tumor inhibitor, etc. If you Google “CBD and pets” right now, the results will show three times more “pet-friendly” product options for sale rather than information resources. There is no doubt that people are already using different forms of Cannabis and CBD extracts to treat their dogs.”

The Forbes article is long and repetitive, citing countless official explanations to clarify how Cannabis works on animals, various laws, and in general things that water down common sense derived from the experience of pet owners.

Pet owners will know what to do by doing proper research, without becoming forced and without relying on false assumptions.

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Salve. Per il nostro gatto che soffre di epilessia avete olio cbd al 15%? Grazie


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