Are you looking for a dispensary? Do you want to know where cannabis is legal? And the simple facts about cannabis? Don't worry, we got you. Below you will find all this and more.

MamaMary's news

La Cassazione ribalta tutto: la Cannabis light si può coltivare, vendere e fumare!

The Supreme Court overturns everything: light C...

The Supreme Court: «Cannabis light is legal and you can smoke». The Supreme Court specified in a ruling that if the cultivation of cannabis with a THC percentage of less...

The Supreme Court overturns everything: light C...

The Supreme Court: «Cannabis light is legal and you can smoke». The Supreme Court specified in a ruling that if the cultivation of cannabis with a THC percentage of less...

Legalizzazione Cannabis in Italia: presentato un disegno di legge dal Movimento 5Stelle

Cannabis legalization in Italy: a bill presente...

After the work done in the last legislature, by the parliamentary intergroup , Matteo Mantero , senator of the M5s, has filed a bill in the Senate to legalize the...

Cannabis legalization in Italy: a bill presente...

After the work done in the last legislature, by the parliamentary intergroup , Matteo Mantero , senator of the M5s, has filed a bill in the Senate to legalize the...

La biodiversità sta scomparendo: l'allarme della FAO

Biodiversity is disappearing: FAO warns

Biodiversity is decreasing and the losses will be counted in animal, plant and microorganism species and will be forever. This is what emerges from the latest FAO report, focused on...

Biodiversity is disappearing: FAO warns

Biodiversity is decreasing and the losses will be counted in animal, plant and microorganism species and will be forever. This is what emerges from the latest FAO report, focused on...

Quantamon Seeds: la passione per la ricerca delle migliori genetiche come resistenza italiana

Quantamon Seeds: the passion for researching th...

Various sales platforms, businesses and cultural associations are emerging in our territory. What does this surge of medium-small entrepreneurs have in common? Very easy, a topic that has always interested...

Quantamon Seeds: the passion for researching th...

Various sales platforms, businesses and cultural associations are emerging in our territory. What does this surge of medium-small entrepreneurs have in common? Very easy, a topic that has always interested...

Svolta storica dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità: la Cannabis non è tra le sostanze pericolose!

Historic turning point by the World Health Orga...

It would seem like a historic turning point in the medical-scientific field: after more than half a century in which the WHO included cannabis among the drugs considered dangerous and...

Historic turning point by the World Health Orga...

It would seem like a historic turning point in the medical-scientific field: after more than half a century in which the WHO included cannabis among the drugs considered dangerous and...

MamaMary vince il 3zo posto della prima Cannabis Cup Italiana con la Apple Kush

MamaMary wins 3rd place in the first Italian Ca...

MamaMary rises to the Olympus of Italian companies to produce the best legal weed. Cannabis on display at the 4.20 Hemp Fest on 13/14/15 April: from medical applications to consumption...


MamaMary wins 3rd place in the first Italian Ca...

MamaMary rises to the Olympus of Italian companies to produce the best legal weed. Cannabis on display at the 4.20 Hemp Fest on 13/14/15 April: from medical applications to consumption...