Stress in animals: CBD oil could be the solution

Stress negli animali: l’olio al CBD potrebbe essere la soluzione

Stress in animals: CBD oil could be the solution

: 🕰️
Irene Sforza : ✍🏼

Stress in Dogs and Cats

It may seem incredible but even dogs and cats suffer from stress. This phenomenon is not so rare: if we highlight some behaviors associated with stress in our animals we will realize that it is more frequent than we think.

Here are some examples: agitation , separation anxiety , itching , frequent or unexplained whining , hyperactivity , destructiveness , skin problems , or defecating in unusual places. If your little friend exhibits several types of these behaviors, he may be experiencing a stressful moment.

The events that cause these episodes of stress are very diverse: from a simple visit to the vet or an unplanned event, to the appearance of a new family member or a sudden move.

The resulting problems are numerous and can involve both the pets and their owners who may struggle to explain these behaviors. When a check-up at the vet confirms the diagnosis, two options may open up: taking medicines or resorting to natural remedies .

If you choose the second option, CBD oil (like this one from MamaMary) is one of the favorite treatments, but now we'll explain why.

The History of CBD

CBD is one of the substances, together with THC, that can be found in Cannabis plants. The main difference between the two is that CBD does not have psychotropic effects, which means that it is not a psychoactive substance , which “gets you high”, which is why in many parts of the world it is used for medicinal purposes even for animals.

Although the narrative surrounding this substance is controversial because it is often associated with that of THC, in many countries it has been legalized for years. In Canada, as in many other countries, for example, there are no restrictions on the use of CBD substances that are available in many stores throughout the country and are used for therapeutic purposes by thousands of people.

In Italy, the laws regulating the consumption of CBD are still confusing, but the sale of the substance is allowed as long as it contains a THC level of less than 0.6%. Since 2016, its use for medicinal purposes has been legalized, but even in this case, the laws are unclear and extremely variable from region to region.

What is CBD used for?

The fact that we hear so much about this substance is no coincidence: for years it has proven to be very strong in scientific research on animals, particularly for its analgesic, pain-relieving, anti-itching effects , and lately also for its beneficial effects on diseases such as osteoarthritis or epilepsy .

CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system that is present in the brain of dogs in the Claustrum area , a very strategic brain area that modulates cognitive, perceptive and motor functions . The fact that it has an effect in this area makes us understand how the action of CBD is very important and its potential is enormous.

CBD, as previously mentioned, is not psychoactive, therefore, unlike THC, it produces sedative and pain-relieving effects and does not cause the psychotic effects that THC could produce on your little friend.

CBD oil

CBD oils are one of the ways this substance presents itself. They are the preferred choice of many owners because:

  • There are brands that create CBD oils specifically for animals like ours , which is totally natural and organic.
  • They usually come with a very low concentration of CBD (5% or 10%) and zero THC contamination to ensure the health of the animal.
  • The product is 100% natural , which minimizes the possibility of unwanted effects.
  • Compared to traditional medicines, administration is also simpler : you can put a few drops in the food bowl or in the water bowl and the animal will not notice anything.
  • The possibility of measuring the quantities also makes it a safe product .

The benefits of this substance on animals are numerous and it is often at the top of the list of alternative medicines, so what are you waiting for to try it?

Choose sustainable and natural solutions like this CBD Oil for PET by MamaMary, for the health of your pet and for that of the environment.🍃

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