Cannabis honey is a superfood we should all be eating

Il miele di Cannabis è un superfood che tutti dovremmo mangiare

Cannabis honey is a superfood we should all be eating

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Delicious, nutritious. Cannabis honey is the food you need for your health.

Honey is the only food that cannot expire and has been used as a medical supplement around the world for thousands of years. Honey is also a wonderful base for different herbs, including Cannabis. The sweet combination of Cannabis and honey is the best of all: delicious, nutritious, versatile and healing. In fact, the combination could be considered a superfood due to its many health benefits . While honey nourishes the body, Cannabis heals and provides relief from what ails it.

What Are the Benefits of Consuming Cannabis Honey?

Cannabis contains numerous components: cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, which have healing properties. The most abundant compounds are THC and CBD. These are their “independent” benefits.


  • Gives relief from pain and inflammation
  • Kills cancer cells
  • Anti-nausea
  • Muscle relaxant
  • Acts as a mood stabilizer
  • Stimulates the appetite
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Breaks down amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's patients
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease


  • Reduces anxiety
  • It has anti-tumor effects
  • Fights the metastasis of tumor cells
  • It's an antidepressant
  • Slows down neurodegenerative diseases
  • It has anti-inflammatory effects
  • Stops epileptic seizures

When the two compounds are combined, they work synergistically to produce even more potent and long-lasting effects. Add to that the body-loving properties of honey, and you could create the perfect food.

Can Bees Produce This Honey?

In the wild, bees cannot pollinate cannabis plants or use the resin to make honey. However, a French-speaking beekeeper, Nicolas 'Trainerbees' , claims to have trained his bees to do so . Cannabis has no effect on bees, as they do not have an endocannabinoid system . However, the “honey” produced by these bees contains activated cannabis and can therefore be psychoactive. Trainerbees described a process in which bees are trained to turn resin into propolis, not nectar into honey.

Tim Lovett , director of public affairs for the British Beekeepers Association, corroborated these claims by saying that bees can indeed be trained to look for certain compounds, such as resin, in cannabis plants. He saw it happen in a laboratory where bees were trained to track explosives with their tongues. Once the bees collect the resin, they bring it back to the hive, where they work to produce “ cannabis honey .” This cannabis-infused honey can be taken orally as a syrup, spread on bread, or used in any other way you like.

DIY Cannabis Honey

If you can't find bees to train to make cannabis honey, you can make it yourself at home. Remember that it is best to work with honey at warm temperatures. Additionally, remember that cannabinoids do not naturally bind to honey; an oil base will help keep it from separating. Secondly, you will need to decarboxylate your cannabis before combining it with honey. This is the process of activating inactive THCa into the psychoactive compound THC. However, if you want your cannabis-infused honey to be non-psychoactive, feel free to skip the decarboxylation step. THCa has its own specific health benefits, as does CBD.

What do you need:

  • 10-20g of decarboxylated Cannabis
  • 400g of honey
  • A large glass jar
  • A large tea towel
  • Additional herbs (if you want to add extra flavor)

How to proceed:

  • Place the decarboxylated cannabis in a tea towel, close it and place it in the jar.
  • Pour honey over it.
  • Place jar in hot water; you can use a slow cooker. Leave the honey to simmer, but do not let it boil. It could take between 4 and 8 hours.
  • Let the mixture cool, then place it in the refrigerator.

Here we offer you an alternative version:


Just a Word About Bees at Risk

Bees are a very interesting, indeed fundamental, animal species. It's amazing how organized they are. They live in colonies and are divided into three roles. There is the queen bee, who practically "runs the business"; lays eggs and directs other bees. Worker bees search for food; they're the ones you see buzzing around. Finally, there are the drones that mate with the queen and the female worker bees that take care of the hive. Bees are key pollinators for Earth's plants and, unfortunately, are slowly becoming an endangered species , due to factors such as hive depopulation syndrome and the use of dangerous pesticides. If this population collapse were to continue, we could lose all the plants that bees pollinate, to the point where human survival itself would be at risk.

There are a few simple things you can do at home to help bees: grow dandelions, which are the primary food for bees when they wake up from their winter nap; plant flowers in your garden in groups, so that they are easy targets for bees; and organize your garden so that there are always blooms, from spring to autumn. NEVER use pesticides. Why should you do this? ;)

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