In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about Cannabis, both thanks to activists and doctors, but important legislative acts have also been put in place such as the legalization in 2016 of the cultivation of Cannabis Sativa varieties with THC < 0.2%. Last May, the definition of the terms and conditions for the cultivation of therapeutic cannabis and its processing. Even in the Greek market, light cannabis shops are now springing up like mushrooms and three fairs were organized in 2018 alone, two in Athens and one in Thessaloniki.
Legalizing Cannabis in Greece: Prospects and Challenges for the Future

Athens Cannabis Expo 2018 was the first fair, held last January, followed by Balkannabis Expo , also in Athens in early June. While the last one was held in Thessaloniki , Salonica Cannabis Expo , the last weekend of September. All three fairs were attended by Greek, European and international companies and cooperatives . Great quality was also demonstrated in the speeches given by professionals recognized in the international cannabis sector. The common conclusion of all these events was the great interest of people in becoming part of the world of cannabis , in wanting to know the plant, its uses and the desire to invest in the sector.
In Greece the crisis is still ongoing, but the cannabis sector could become a great means towards a more stable and eco-sustainable development, as we hope also in Italy.