MamaMary launches “Solidarity Cannabis”

MamaMary lancia “Cannabis Solidale”

MamaMary launches “Solidarity Cannabis”

: 🕰️
Irene Sforza : ✍🏼

MamaMary announces the first " Cannabis Solidarity " program in Italy and will dispense Cannabis Light products free of charge to subjects suffering from all those pathologies who can benefit from a treatment with CBD.

The initiative has already been promoted by various newspapers such as Targato Cn , SanremoNews or DayItaliaNews and aims to help all those patients who cannot access free treatment or who cannot afford it due to the huge costs, but also to create a different narrative about CBD as an effective therapeutic tool.

MamaMary wants to send a clear and simple message: we need to start understanding that if there were the possibility, there would be many people who could benefit from it and who would request its use . Remaining blind to this phenomenon only means supporting mafia systems that profit from the drug market and supporting a prohibitionist government.

To participate, simply go to the MamaMary website and fill out the "Cannabis Solidale" form at this link where you will be asked to specify the pathology you have and upload a certification that proves it.

CBD as an alternative therapy

In fact, this substance helps in the treatment of numerous diseases, and a large number of scientific research proves it: for years it has helped patients with sleep disorders (Choi, Seula, Huang, Barry, Gamaldo, Charlene, 2020), with chronic pain (Bhaskar, Bell, Boivin, 2021), with anxiety disorders (Blessing, Steenkamp, ​​Manzanares, & Marmar, 2015), for the treatment of the sensation of nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy (Mersiades et al., 2018), or patients with schizophrenic disorder (Boggs, Surti, Gupta, et al. 2018), and many more.

The famous oncologist Umberto Veronesi has always affirmed his support for the liberalization and pharmaceutical use of cannabis. During the Ambrosetti workshop he stated that it " [...] it is an excellent drug . Since it is also a narcotic, one is always afraid to use it. Instead it is excellent against pain, against ailments, against vomiting, and it is a sedative.”

The UN itself, with a resolution of 3 December 2020, defined cannabis as a medicinal plant, with therapeutic activities, usable in scientific research, removing it from Table 4 which classified it as a risk substance.

Because it is important?

Although there is great support from the entire scientific community regarding the properties of CBD and a huge amount of research is present on the topic, there are still many limitations in the use of this substance for pharmaceutical purposes.

In the Italian regions the situation is always covered by nebulous and unclear laws while even in Molise, Calabria and Val D'Aosta there are still no specific laws regulating its use for pharmaceutical purposes.

Riccardo Magi, president of +Europa, has been fighting in Parliament since 2019 for the approval of his law which wants to make the cultivation of 4 plants for personal use legal. “The approval of this bill (...) would bring about a reversal of direction compared to the repressive policies of the last thirty years.” he states in his interview with Il Riformista “It would establish the acknowledgment of the failure of prohibitionism.”

In its 500-page document, the government also urged Parliament to legislate on the matter, underlining the urgency of the issue which, according to the centre-right, does not represent one of the country's priorities. But if it is not a priority, then the fight against the mafias, for which drug dealing represents a huge market, would not be a priority either.

For parties like Lega and Fratelli d'Italia, the issue should in fact be postponed in favor of other "more important" issues and while we continue to postpone, in Germany they are preparing for a measure that will legalize Cannabis this autumn.

Once again, when we realize that the issue was anything but postponable, it will perhaps be too late.

The contribution we are making is minimal, but the beginning of a revolution starts with small gestures.

We at MamaMary are ready to get it started, and you?

Join MamaMary,



Blessing, E. M., Steenkamp, ​​M. M., Manzanares, J., & Marmar, C. R. (2015). Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 12(4), 825-836.

Boggs DL, Surti T, Gupta A, et al. The effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on cognition and symptoms in outpatients with chronic schizophrenia a randomized placebo controlled trial. Psychopharmacology. 2018;235:1923-1932.

Choi, S., Huang, B. C., & Gamaldo, C. E. (2020). Therapeutic uses of cannabis on sleep disorders and related conditions. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 37(1), 39-49.

Mersiades, A. J., Tognela, A., Haber, P. S., Stockler, M., Lintzeris, N., Simes, J., ... & Grimison, P. (2018). Oral cannabinoid-rich THC/CBD cannabis extract for secondary prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a study protocol for a pilot and definitive randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial (CannabisCINV). BMJ open , 8 (9), e020745.

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