Salvini: "We will close all cannabis shops and industry parties." A BUNDLE of a whole GRASS.

Salvini: "Chiuderemo tutti i negozi di Cannabis e le feste di settore." Di tutta un'ERBA un FASCIO.

Salvini: "We will close all cannabis shops and industry parties." A BUNDLE of a whole GRASS.

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Closing all hemp shops and banning all sector parties seems to have become the new obsession of Minister Salvini, who, faced with the growing economic deficit and a country in full socio-political stalemate (if not decline), has managed to create another windmill to distract his electorate.

He who in the 90s defined himself as a "communist and Po": "We relate to the classic themes of the left, from the strong state presence to the liberalization of soft drugs" , while today after the Siri case, to increase the debate against the M5S, from always in favor of forms of legalization, he wastes no time in attacking Italian hemp with disproportionate tones, which touch (almost) the absurd.

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Take advantage of the PROMO now: while stocks last!

But this line was quite clear when Fontana was chosen as deputy for anti-drug policies, who has an approach on drugs that would have frightened even the Nixon of the past, when he launched the war on drugs in the 1970s. But now he continues to raise his game and his tone: less than a week after his words which defined the Hemp Shops as authorized drug dealing places, a very serious statement because it was not supported by any real statistical data, today, after the highly discussed 420 Hemp Fest in Milan last weekend, which had the great merit of opening a huge debate, he even promised that he will close "one by one all legal hemp shops" and "I will ask that all cannabis-based parties are also banned"; for the umpteenth time a real threat from the "Kapitano" , rather than a proposal.

Salvini Video: We will close all Cannabis "shops".

At this point, we cannot help but highlight the total absurdity of this position, especially because it is not based on misinformation, but on a TOTAL IGNORANCE of the Minister and his "party" on a healthy and genuine phenomenon like that of cannabis light, which, instead, could be a launching pad for a limping country, which however is known throughout the world for its agricultural excellence and which dominated the production markets until the 1940s ( years of the imposition of Roosevelt's Marijuana Tax Act, ed .). Also because the League based the last electoral campaign and the related "government contract" on the protection of the territory and of farmers, who today, however, are defined by the same person as DRUG DEALERS , again for electoral purposes only, while the sector has recorded growth like no other: in just 5 years the cultivated hectares went from 40 to over 4,000 last year ( constantly growing! ), with a turnover of 6.5 million euros in 2018 and with a potential which is estimated at at least 40 million euros for inflorescences alone, which rises to 400 million if you include cosmetics, food and medicine ( here is an interesting article from Sole24Ore ), with enormous employment opportunities along the entire supply chain.

The first reply comes from Senator Matteo Montero , of the 5 Star Movement, proponent of a law for the regulation and self-production of Cannabis : "If Salvini continues on this path the only people who will celebrate will be the drug dealers".


We can only hope that sector organisations, entrepreneurs and consumers all react to these gratuitous attacks without data support, showing that the hemp/cannabis sector is made up of honest people, territories and a lot of heart, who have invested money and resources, even in a gray and uncertain climate like the Italian one in recent years, especially for this topic.

We also hope for serious, fair and precise rules that not only protect entrepreneurs, but above all customers, who often find themselves forced to settle for a low quality (and often chemically altered) product or on the illegal market, even in case of serious illnesses .

Are you still okay with having your future stolen by an ignorant and retrograde person, who gloats in making a BUNDLE out of all the GRASS ?!

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