The Court of Cassation: "Cannabis light is legal and can be smoked". The Supreme Court has specified in a ruling that if the cultivation of cannabis with a percentage of THC within 0.6% is legal and food and cosmetic uses are legal, then " other uses not mentioned are not prohibited "
If its sale is legal, its use is legal . This is the principle expressed by the Court of Cassation, which intervened in a ruling on the issue of light cannabis, annulling a preventive seizure of a tobacconist in Civitanova Marche.
The subject of the Supreme Court ruling is “Light” Cannabis, so called because it contains a percentage of THC (i.e., the psychotropic part) within 0.6%, while with a variable rate of CBD (this does not produce the typical “high”, but only has beneficial effects) of which cultivation is permitted. “It is completely obvious - writes the Court - that marketing is permitted for the hemp products that are the object of the support”. And consequently, adds the Supreme Court, even if the law explicitly mentions food and cosmetic uses, the reference “ does not imply that other uses not mentioned are prohibited in themselves ”, such as smoking.
The ruling goes in the opposite direction to another one from the same Court, which had specified that law 242 of 2016 (concerning the cultivation and agro-industrial chain of hemp), to which it refers, has not at all made the marketing of marijuana and hashish with a low active ingredient legal. Now therefore the Supreme Court specifies that in the case of a percentage of THC lower than 0.6%, the substance is not considered " as producing legally relevant narcotic effects ", and its sale is therefore legal .
The ruling comes at a time when checks and related seizures are becoming increasingly stringent, with very little protection for those who carry out this activity in full compliance with the (not very clear) laws in force, and for all users who make use of it.
We'll see ;)