Erba Legale a new shop every day, an online order every 30 seconds. What will be the growth in the next 10 years?

Erba Legale un nuovo negozio ogni giorno, un ordine online ogni 30 secondi. Quale sarà la crescita nei prossimi 10 anni?

Erba Legale a new shop every day, an online order every 30 seconds. What will be the growth in the next 10 years?

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The global legal cannabis market will grow more than 1000% over the next decade and could reach $140 billion by 2027, according to a report by Prohibition Partners.

“Not only is the black market set to give way to the legal one, but legalization itself is creating new momentum,” Reuters said in the published report which also highlights the economic potential of cannabis-infused drinks. Alcohol corporations are already taking steps to mitigate cannibalized market share in the rapidly growing recreational and medical marijuana markets around the world.

Global alcohol giant Constellation Brands has made its move by purchasing a 9.9% stake in Canopy Growth for C$245 million ($190 million), plus options to increase its stake to just under 20 %. Constellation Brands recently increased its stake by investing 4 billion dollars in the company.

Meanwhile, three-quarters of Canadian cannabis producers expect alcohol companies, multinational pharmaceutical companies and tobacco companies to enter the marijuana sector in the next three years.

The Italian phenomenon.

Over 1000 shops from Milan to Palermo opened in the last year, for a potential turnover estimated at more than 200 million euros. It's a boom for light cannabis , hemp inflorescences with low THC content. Perfectly legal because it contains an active ingredient not exceeding 0.2 percent with a tolerance threshold of up to 0.6 percent, it has no psychotropic effects and everyone likes it, young and old, even if it could not be smoked because the law does not regulate the intended use.

The new law on hemp cultivation , in force for a year, does not mention the flowers of the plant, therefore it does not explicitly prohibit their marketing.

A gap that opened up a thriving market and MamaMary was one of the first companies to invest in the sector.

Some data:

- 100% Bootstrapped and financed with revenues alone

-  Staff employed: 8 units

-   Hectares available: 4ha

-   Best Dispensary in Rome

-   Commercial Network: 200 resellers

-   Number of Retail Customers Served: 5000+

-   Newsletter: 80k emails

According to our analysts, the phenomenon is unstoppable and in 2019 alone, hemp companies and producers in Italy are destined for a 10-fold increase compared to the current situation. This whole phenomenon is seen from abroad with great interest but at the same time with a bit of skepticism since local companies are not supported by government programs and are in fact self-regulating.

Do you want to invest with us? Seize the opportunity to enter the fastest growing sector of the next 10 years and contribute with us to making the world a better place.

For you the opportunity to invest in INDOOR High Tech cultivations in Italy and Europe and in a Multi-Franchising model that will allow you to purchase multiple licenses to resell in your area.

Do you want to work with us? We are looking for talent.

With MamaMary you will be part of a team of creative and visionary entrepreneurs and you will have access to our entire network developed in Holland, Spain, Switzerland, Colorado and California .

If you want to invest in this sector, write to us at or call +39 3391072247


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