How to Make Bread with Marijuana

Come Preparare il Pane con Farina di Canapa - Guida Facile al Pane alla Cannabis

How to Make Bread with Marijuana

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The world of Cannabis is constantly expanding and evolving, especially as regards the food sector: new foods containing this substance are constantly being invented, and new creative ways are being found to include it in our daily snacks, using basic ingredients such as cannabis butter ( or cannabutter). Pasta, condiments, sauces can all be enriched with cannabinoids with nutritional as well as psychoactive effects.

From this perspective, today we propose the recipe for Cannabis bread, containing THC, CBD and other cannabinoids, which can also be used to prepare toast, sandwiches or, why not, a base for pizza.


Note: the doses below are indicated for 6 people .

  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 3 teaspoons extra-fine sugar
  • 1L of skimmed milk powder
  • 4 cups whole wheat bread or all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt
  • 3 tablespoons of cannabutter (indicative dose, which can be increased or reduced depending on the effects you want to obtain)
  • 2 tablespoons crushed cannabis
  • 2 teaspoons dry yeast


  1. Place equal parts warm water and yeast in a bowl; add a pinch of sugar. In this way the yeast will be activated, and after about ten minutes the mixture will begin to show bubbles at the edges.
  2. In a bowl, mix powdered milk, sugar, flour and chopped cannabis. Mix with your hands until you get a soft consistency. Important: the mixture will later rise and consequently double its size, so you need to make sure that the bowl is large enough.
  3. Create a space in the center of the bowl with the mixture created from the dry ingredients and pour in the previously prepared yeast mixture.
  4. Mix the ingredients with your hands until you obtain the optimal consistency (it will take about 15 minutes). If the dough becomes too wet and sticky, add more flour; if it becomes too hard and dry, add some water.
  5. Once you have reached the right consistency, cover the bowl with cling film or a lid.

At this point, if your intention is to use the dough to prepare pizza, the job is done: just freeze it until ready to use. Otherwise, one last step is needed:

  1. Place the dough in a special bread mold, or divide it into small rolls. Leave the dough to rest in the pan, covered. Once it has finished rising, spread the cannabutter over the dough and place the pan in the oven at 177°C for about half an hour, until the bread turns golden in color.
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