Canada October 17, 2018: Weed is Legal and it's all over on day one

Canada 17 Ottobre 2018: l' Erba è Legale ed è finita tutta nel primo giorno

Canada October 17, 2018: Weed is Legal and it's all over on day one

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Canada October 17, 2018: Weed is Legal and it's all over on day one.

On Wednesday 17 October, marijuana was definitively legalized in Canada for recreational use and from the early hours of the morning the pantries and online sites were besieged by customers from every corner of the country.

Canada is the largest country to legalize recreational use - under various conditions. Potential supply problems were foreseen.

Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries had said "there is substantially less cannabis in the market than originally requested" and that shortages for some products could last months.

Bruce Linton, CEO of Canopy Growth Corp. , told CBC News that the market was too unknown at the time to risk excess untapped supply, while still not nimble enough to meet demand for the most popular products.

You can watch the interview here

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