Cannabis oil and dogs? 11 things you didn't know!

Olio di Cannabis e cani? 11 cose che non sapevi!

Cannabis oil and dogs? 11 things you didn't know!

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Since there is so much talk about phytocannabinoid-rich hemp oils (CRPs), we thought it was important to tell you 11 facts about taking them and how they can help your pets in many different ways.

  • Hemp is not psychoactive

Since hemp oil is derived from the Cannabis plant, or hemp, it is common for people to think that it is psychoactive, or in other words, that it causes a “high.” But that is not true! The real culprit is THC, which is another cannabinoid found in Cannabis.

For legal reasons, most hemp oils are derived from hemp plants with extremely low or non-existent levels of THC.

This means that you can safely give it to your dogs without getting them “high,” but they will still be able to benefit from the many medical benefits of Cannabis.

  • Hemp Gives Relief From Pain

Hemp’s ability to provide pain relief is another reason it has quickly gained popularity. As with many common health conditions, hemp targets pain, regardless of the source.

From easing nerve pain to drastically reducing inflammation, hemp is an incredible relief for those suffering from chronic pain, from mild to severe.

This makes it perfect for older dogs who are struggling with pain and stiffness, as well as younger dogs who like to be excited about other dogs and end up overdoing it.

  • Hemp Fights Cancer

You may have heard the claim from cannabis advocates that marijuana can help fight cancer , and there is some truth to that. Another fascinating thing is that it doesn’t help in just one way.

PCR Hemp Oils have been shown to stop cancer cells where they are and help provide relief from many of the negative side effects caused by most common cancer treatments.

Cancer is never a fun topic to talk about, but with PCR Hemp Oil we may finally have found another great and much-needed tool to fight it.

  • Hemp Oil Reduces Anxiety

Many people who suffer from anxiety use hemp oil to dramatically reduce anxiety and stress. Dogs are very similar to us and deal with anxiety that can come from a variety of different sources.

Whether it’s loud noises, separation from their owner, etc., many dog ​​parents find that PCR Hemp Oil can help calm their dog’s stress and anxiety.

From public speaking to anxiety to even post-traumatic stress, hemp has been shown to reduce the “fight or flight” response in humans, allowing them to function normally. Hemp works on all mammals in the same way, so expect to see great results.

  • Hemp Oil Prevents Epileptic Seizures

One of the major medical concerns that brought PCR hemp oil to the public's attention was its ability to help reduce or completely stop seizures in both adults and children suffering from epilepsy.

Like humans, dogs also suffer from epilepsy, and it is estimated that around 5% of our furballs are affected.

Epilepsy medications, such as phenobarbital and potassium bromide, are very strong and can damage your liver and other organs over time.

Sometimes dogs have to take such high doses that it affects their personality, or worse, the drugs end up having no effect at all.

Some studies on hemp oil and its reduction in epileptic events are shocking. In one study , PCR hemp oil was given to eight patients who suffered from drug-resistant epilepsy. 7 out of 8 patients noted positive results following the intake of hemp.

These findings have been supported by other studies, with one survey showing that 84% of children noticed a reduction in seizures when taking cannabis oil for their treatment-resistant epilepsy.

  • Hemp Oil and Nausea

Older dogs often slow down their eating habits, and it's hard to watch your best friend of several years get thinner and thinner.

PCR Hemp Oil helps increase appetite, and reduces vomiting and nausea . It also reduces nausea caused by other medications, which is another reason why more and more cancer patients are taking it.

  • Hemp May Protect the Nervous System

Cell death is a common problem that older dogs often face, and is caused by free radicals and toxins in the body. Hemp has been shown to protect the brain from cell death and may help prevent Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s, to name a few.

Free radicals are oxygen atoms that the body splits into single atoms, and have unpaired electrons; these are the ones that can cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA.

PCR Hemp Oil is an incredible antioxidant, and has been shown to outperform vitamins C and E, making it great for protecting against those pesky free radicals.

  • Hemp Oil Not Only Prevents IBD, But Restores Normal Intestine Motility

Yes, you read that right. An animal study showed that hemp oil may prevent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) . But if your dog already has the disease, prevention won’t do him much good.

What is great about hemp oil is that it also has antibiotic properties and can restore normal intestinal motility in IBD sufferers.

  • Hemp Oil and Cardiovascular Health

Through his medical practices, veterinarian Edward Bassinghtwaighte has seen numerous examples where PCR hemp oil has helped dogs, from shrinking their tumors to even improving a heart murmur in one lucky Jack Russell Terrier.

Dr. Bassinghtwaighte’s findings have been supported by numerous studies, and he strongly advocates for the use of hemp oil for cardiovascular health . Hemp reduces the damage caused by damaged blood vessels and even protects them.

But it doesn't stop there: hemp oil can also lower high blood pressure and elevated heart rate, in both humans and dogs.

  • Hemp Oil Reduces Inflammation and Helps with Autoimmune Diseases

Sometimes the threats that leave you and your dog's health in disarray don't come from outside.

Autoimmune Disease is a catch-all term for a broad list of diseases that occur when an organism's immune system mistakenly starts attacking itself, instead of targeting external threats such as bacteria.

This happens in all mammals, and often causes nasty inflammation, among other health problems.

In several studies, PCR hemp oil has been shown to help with inflammation by reducing the production and release of inflammatory cytokines.

Inflammatory cytokines are signaling molecules that are released by immune cells and help increase and reinforce inflammation, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

M1 macrophages are incredibly important pro-inflammatory cells that “eat” bacteria and debris, and then signal M2 macrophages to release anti-inflammatory cytokines that repress the M1 cells before they get out of control.

You guessed it, sometimes M1 macrophages actually go out of control and start targeting the host's body, and this causes chronic inflammation.

CBD always appears to realign and balance naturally, and studies have shown that it can correct the balance between M1 and M2 macrophages.

  • Hemp Oil is Legal and Proven to be Safe

Hemp oil has been shown to be completely safe and has no known cut-off point, although heavy doses may cause sedative effects.

Hemp derived hemp oil is also completely legal, and you want to make sure it is derived from, in fact, hemp, and not cannabis. PCR Hemp Derived Hemp Oil does not contain THC, which is great because THC, in large doses, is toxic to dogs.

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