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MamaMary's news

Legalizzazione Cannabis in Italia: presentato un disegno di legge dal Movimento 5Stelle

Cannabis legalization in Italy: a bill presente...

After the work done in the last legislature, by the parliamentary intergroup , Matteo Mantero , senator of the M5s, has filed a bill in the Senate to legalize the...

Cannabis legalization in Italy: a bill presente...

After the work done in the last legislature, by the parliamentary intergroup , Matteo Mantero , senator of the M5s, has filed a bill in the Senate to legalize the...

"Io vedo Mamamarija come una vera e propria madre, per me è come una religione supplementare alla mia, una chiave per entrare nel mio vero mondo": quattro chiacchiere con Psycho Yachi

"I see Mamamarija as a real mother, for me it i...

Ok, we admit it: we are biased. In fact, when we listened to some pieces of Psycho Yachi and saw some excerpts, we said to ourselves: "This one is going...

"I see Mamamarija as a real mother, for me it i...

Ok, we admit it: we are biased. In fact, when we listened to some pieces of Psycho Yachi and saw some excerpts, we said to ourselves: "This one is going...