Using CBD to treat migraines or prevent debilitating headaches is becoming increasingly popular, but how does it work? We’ll break it down for you here, so you can decide if CBD is right for you.
What is a Migraine?
Migraine pain is categorized as a sharp, throbbing or pulsating pain in a specific area of the head. The pain is numbing and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and/or sound. Migraines affect 10% of the world's population and are three times more common in women than in men, according to the NIH .
Migraines are usually triggered by a trigger, such as stress, insomnia, hormonal changes, bright or flashing lights, even certain smells – it depends on the person. A third of people who suffer from chronic migraines can predict when one is coming because they see an “aura.” Also variable from person to person, these “auras” can present as flashing lights, zigzag lines, or temporary vision loss.
The Endocannabinoid System: How is it Involved?
Cannabis and its tinctures have been used to treat headaches, including migraines, for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years. This is because the endocannabinoid system (ECS) naturally present in our bodies plays a crucial role in migraine sufferers.
The ECS is our largest regulatory system, controlling everything from pain to appetite. The body makes its own cannabinoids and has cannabinoid receptors in nearly every cell. Anandamide , also known as the happy molecule, is the body’s natural version of THC. An interesting 2007 study found that people who suffered from regular migraines had below-average levels of anandamide. This led some researchers to believe that migraines are caused by a deficiency in the endocannabinoid system.
Neurologist and cannabinoid researcher Ethan Russo used this evidence, along with other studies, to create his theory of “ Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency .” Simply put, this theory says that a lack of natural endocannabinoids can cause a variety of health problems, including migraines and fibromyalgia.
Another study , conducted in Colorado in 2016, came to similar results. This study found that regular cannabis use decreased the frequency of migraines from 10.4 headaches per month to only 4.6. Additionally, 11.6% of participants reported that regular cannabis use stopped migraines altogether.
CBD for Migraines: How Does It Work?
This is where CBD for migraines comes in. Since migraines could be caused by a deficiency in the ECS, it makes sense to give it a daily dose of cannabis, right? This is why many people are turning to CBD for their migraines. They are taking a daily dose of CBD as a preventative measure to keep migraines at bay. You can do this by putting CBD oil in your morning coffee, smoking or vaping a CBD-rich strain every day, or whatever your preferred method of ingestion is.
While there is still limited research on this topic, there was a 2017 study that showed that cannabis was a more effective treatment for migraines than prescription medications. Participants in this study were given a combination of THC and CBD for migraines every day for three months. Not only did they experience a 55% decrease in pain, but the relief was greater than regular prescription medications for migraines and cluster headaches. Additionally, participants who used THC and CBD for migraines experienced fewer side effects, such as stomach and muscle pain, that are often associated with prescription medications.
A 2015 California survey found similar results. Care By Design surveyed medical marijuana patients and found that CBD used for migraines reduced pain 100% of the time. You read that right: 100%. On the flip side, they also found that CBD helped with other pain by an average of 50%.
How to Use CBD for Migraines
Even the limited research we have suggests that a daily dose of CBD helps reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine symptoms. We suggest adding a CBD oil to your daily routine as a preventative treatment. Since CBD can also help with many migraine triggers, such as stress, anxiety, and insomnia, it’s a two-pronged approach. CBD for migraines helps prevent headaches as much as it helps prevent the triggers.
CBD for migraines also helps if you feel like one is coming. Many migraine sufferers report using a sublingual product, or vaping or smoking a high-CBD strain when they feel or “see” a migraine coming.
If you are looking for a good CBD strain suitable for migraines, we recommend:
For some people, smoking it intensifies headaches; if this is the case for you, you may want to consider vape pens or sublingual products like oil for quick pain relief.
CBD for Migraines: The Safest Option
Not only is CBD for migraines more effective than prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, it’s also safer. There are many OTC and prescription medications available to treat and prevent migraines, but they all come with side effects, and many aren’t long-term options. For example, many people’s first instinct is to take an OTC mixed with caffeine, like Excedrin. But these medications can’t prevent migraines, and if taken regularly, they can cause heart, liver, and stomach problems.
Some people take prescription opioids , such as OxyContin, to numb migraines, but we all know how easy it is to become addicted to opioid pills. With the risk of addiction, withdrawal, and death from accidental overdose, it’s not worth it.
There are also other prescription options for migraine sufferers, such as ergotamines or triptans. However, ergotamines can cause heart attacks, strokes, birth defects in women, and toxicosis when taken with antibiotics or fungicidal medications. Likewise, triptans have many nasty side effects, including dizziness, vomiting, extreme drowsiness, chest tightness, and rebound headaches. Because of these side effects, two-thirds of migraine sufferers avoid or delay taking these medications.
Doctors may also prescribe SSRIs (psychiatric drugs) for migraines. But the most obvious answer is the natural plant with almost no side effects: Cannabis .
CBD for migraines has been a game changer for many people. If you want to recommend CBD to a friend or family member who “doesn’t get high,” remind them that CBD is non-psychoactive. Don’t miss out on the healing powers of CBD for migraines.